What Happens If A House Chain Breaks?

What Happens If A House Chain Breaks

Buying a house can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s also a complex process that requires careful planning. A key part of the home buying process is understanding how the chain of events works – from offer acceptance to exchange and completion. But what happens if something goes wrong in the chain?

If The Chain Breaks

When the buyer has had their offer accepted and the seller is ready to proceed, it’s important that all other links in the chain also move forward quickly. If any link breaks in the chain, it can cause delays or even prevent completion of the purchase altogether. In most cases, this will be due to paperwork not being completed on time or one party changing their mind.

If The Chain BreaksIt could also be because someone else in the chain withdraws their offer, fails to find suitable buyers for their own property or finds that they are unable to proceed with their mortgage application. These types of issues can prove costly and time consuming for everyone involved.

Risks Associated With a Broken House Chain

As a buyer, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with a broken house chain. In some cases, you may not get your money back if the deal falls through and you could also face hefty legal fees or lose out on your new property/home altogether.

It is, therefore essential that you take steps to protect yourself when selling or buying a home- such as making sure your mortgage offer is unconditional and ensuring that all paperwork is completed in time. This will reduce the likelihood of any delays or problems occurring during the process.

Steps You Can Take to Minimise Disruption to the Sale

If you are selling a property and part of the chain breaks down, there are steps you can take to minimise disruption to the sale. First, try to establish why the chain has broken and whether there is anything you can do to help.

You should also contact your estate agent, property lawyer or conveyancer so they can advise you further on the situation. It may be possible to find a new buyer quickly if the original one withdraws their offer.

Steps You Can Take to Minimise Disruption to the SaleAlternatively, you could consider reducing the price of your property or offering additional incentives (such as furniture or removal costs) in order to encourage buyers back into the market. You could also sell your house to a cash buyer like We Buy Any Home to prevent a chain break altogether.


Overall, understanding how property chains work and what happens when one breaks is essential for buyers and sellers alike. Taking proactive steps such as ensuring paperwork is completed on time and making sure your mortgage offer is unconditional can help to avoid delays or problems during the process.