How to Start Learn Swift? – Complete Guide

How to Start Learning Swift

Swift is a multi-paradigm, compiled programming language used to build macOS and iOS apps. Apple first introduced Swift in 2014 and made it the mainstay of all software development. If you are going to learn this programming language, then you should know about the basic aspects. Here’s what every beginner needs.

Building Your Skills

The main advantage of Swift is its popularity. You will surely find many tutorials and books describing the process of learning this programming language. However, there are a few key steps you should take ahead of time. Do not forget that the theoretical and practical part is very important.

You have to create small programs and write code at the very beginning of your journey. Download Xcode as it is your environment for coding. You should also check out Apple’s Swift documentation. Here you will find many answers to questions that are not found in some tutorials. Once you have considered this aspect, you can move on to the next stage.

Syntax and Variables

Syntax and VariablesBefore you become a pro, you have to go through the basic stage. So start your process of learning a programming language with basic syntax and variables. Thanks to this springboard of data, you can learn how to write code, use commands, variables, and add comments in your code. In addition, you should learn about basic operators and constants. So this is basic information without which you will not be able to advance further, so you should not waste time.

Conditionals and Loops

At this point, you should learn all about conditionals and how to run code blocks. What conditions must be met for your application to work? What operators, statements, and loops should be applied? As you learn more about conditionals and loops, you can understand the basic principles of Swift. The fact is that some tasks can be looped back several times, and certain conditions can be added. And don’t forget about ternary operators to know where to start coding.

Arrays and Dictionaries

And here is the next logical step for any beginner. You must understand how to store lists of values and operate on key-value pairs. At this point, you should learn how to create and inspect dictionaries and how to add/remove elements from your code properly. Again, it is best if you focus on some examples so as not to make basic mistakes. By the way, students can use scholarship writing services to delegate some assignments and free up time to learn important basics.


FunctionsYour next step is “functions,” as they are blocks of code that perform important tasks in your applications. These parts of your code are important because they help you achieve certain functionality for the end-user. First of all, you should learn how to define and call a function and return a value from a function. Then, try to find examples to see how a specific part of your code works. In addition, you should learn all the parameters and arguments to implement all the technical aspects of the future application.

Classes and Structures

First of all, you should know that Swift is an object-oriented programming language. So this is why you will have to learn more about classes and structures. In part, you should start with class inheritance and method overriding. Most tutorials contain similar information with examples and tips for beginners. Do not be afraid, as there are many interesting blocks of code on the Internet that will help you start from scratch and understand certain sequences and patterns.

Apple Tutorials and Courses

Apple Tutorials and CoursesApple created Swift Playgrounds, the perfect sandbox where you can practice and learn basic coding principles. Plus, you should pay attention to tutorials and courses like App Development with Swift. Then you don’t have to spend a lot of time on basic aspects. The iTunes U section will be especially important for newbies looking for educational content. However, no one forbids you to use third-party online courses to learn more about the new programming language.


PodcastsAnd here is another alternative or additional source of knowledge. You can use podcasts to find new tips and tricks. The main advantage of podcasts is that you can get knowledge anywhere. However, you should read the reviews in advance to choose the best options.

Final Words

Now you have a mini-guide to get started learning Swift. Stick to the correct sequence. Start with basic terminology and key information to help you learn the syntax and the most important commands. In some cases, you can even watch YouTube videos to see more examples. The main plus is that you have tons of options to become a programmer. There is a lot of free and paid content to help you gain knowledge and make a career path. All you need is a little patience and dedication.