How to keep your Employees happy?


Given that we spend so much time at work, it makes sense that we should enjoy it while we’re there. And while business shark thinking might put profit and productivity in front of everything else, it’s simple logic that happier employees will deliver better results, as well as stay put at their company thus reducing churn and recruitment expenses. As such, companies should always strive to make happiness a real priority. If you’re a business owner, here’s what you can do to maintain a content workforce. This blog is to provide a complete guide about how to keep your employees happy.

Listen to them

Listen to employees

People like to be listened to at work as it makes them feel valued and able to contribute their ideas. By installing a suggestion mailbox for anonymous requests or establishing official yet relaxed channels for staff to voice their concerns or offer ideas, you can create outlets for staff and generate useful ideas that can help improve your company processes, organization, or commercial activity. If a suggestion mailbox is something you believe could improve your business, you can click here to find out more.

Give them flexibility

Give them Flexibility

With the CIPD’s Good Work Index showing that people in most occupations report a lackluster work-life balance, there is a huge amount that employers can do to support this area.

Thankfully, many companies are opting to approach an employee to work after the positive experience of the past 18 months. These strategies, such as allowing staff to choose working hours aside from the typical nine to five or enabling them to work from home all or part of the time, allow staff to strike a better balance, improving their mental health and motivation in kind.

Pay attention to their mental health

Give attention to their mental health

With mental health so high on the popular agenda, it’s crucial that employers do their bit to promote positive mental health. In practice, this means paying attention to the state of staff mental health and acting to improve it if it turns negative. This might mean reducing workloads or allowing sick days off for staff suffering from mental health issues. You should always help the employees who appear to need help.

Reward them

Reward them

Good work should always be rewarded – staff will soon feel unappreciated and unhappy if their efforts go unnoticed. These should include monetary rewards, such as regular bonuses and pay raises, and an investment into the company’s social life, such as away days, parties, and so forth. These sorts of things not only incentivize people to be more productive but make the business a much more enjoyable and fulfilling place to work.

Be transparent

Be Transparent

Keep staff abreast of important company matters, even if they don’t directly affect them. This will make them feel more connected to the business, as well as respected by management and leadership. A good way to enable this is regular team meetings where new work, financials, positive feedback, and company news are shared, discussed, and celebrated.


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