How to Get Rid of Pests & Bugs in the Kitchen?

pests in Kitchen

Do you recall that one time you went to the kitchen to fix some quick snack only to find a lousy cockroach and flies all over your kitchen top? Eeew, disgusting!  Sweet aroma and delicacies in the kitchen attract not only you but also pests and bugs waiting to taste the food.

If you spot any bugs and pests in the kitchen, you should get rid of them immediately to prevent a pest infestation. Bugs and pests are not only unpleasant, but they also pose a health risk to you and your loved ones.

This article shall look at common kitchen pests and bugs and how to get rid of them.

common kitchen pests

Common Pests and Bugs 


Flies produce irritating noises when they fly around and always a nuisance to you. They pose a huge health risk as they spread diseases and germs, which cause illness through food contamination. Due to their small size, it isn’t easy to control their entry into the kitchen.


Sighting a cockroach in your kitchen sends chills all over your body. They breed and multiply quickly. Just like other pests, they will come into your kitchen looking for food and water. Cockroaches will spread and cause diseases to you as they hover over your uncovered food.


Ants access the kitchen through cracks and openings, looking for food and shelter. Ants are tiny in size, and eliminating them might be tricky. When you see ants crawling on your kitchen floor and countertops, follow them to see their entry points.

Rats and Mice

Due to its affluence, rats and mice love the kitchen. It provides them with all they need; food, water, and shelter. Rodents get their way into the kitchen through gaps on the floor, windows, cracks, and ceilings. They can spread bacteria, germs, and pathogens that will result in sickness.

Stored Product Insects

These types of pests affect the stored products. They access the kitchen through cracks and tiny openings. Once they get their way into the stored products, you should immediately throw them away to avert any health risk like food poisoning.

how to get rid of bugs in kitchenHow Do You Get Rid of the Pests and Bugs in the Kitchen?

Regular Cleaning

After cooking, ensure you wash all your dishes and remove them from your sink. Leaving dishes to accumulate will attract the bugs. After cleaning the dishes, wipe the counters with a household cleaner. A single bread crumb will seem no big deal to you, but for ants and flies, it will be a party.

To avoid a re-infestation, leave your kitchen spotless and sparkling clean. You can pour bleach in the drains, place naphthalene balls at kitchen corners as well as seal any cracks on your kitchen walls.

Empty and Clean Kitchen Bins

Regularly emptying and cleaning your kitchen bins will keep the pests at bay. Your kitchen bin takes a few meals to get packed. Leftovers from your previous meals will attract pests of all sorts. Flies, mice, rats, cockroaches, and termites will always flock into your bin. Keeping them clean will discourage pest infestation since there is no food available for them.

Use Tight Containers

Pests and bugs are attracted to the kitchen by the sweet food aromas. When storing the food, ensure you store them in tight containers to keep the pests away. You can also use plastic bags to store foods. Tightly sealing the containers denies the pests any entry into the food.

how to get rid of kitchen pests

Laying Traps and Pesticides

You can use pesticides to spray on the pests. There are specific pesticides that you can use to eliminate most kitchen pests. Use boric acid to reach pests hiding in the deep cracks. For rodents, you can lay mouse traps and use a piece of bread as bait. Sticky fruit fly traps are very effective in controlling them. You can also use DIY pest control methods.

In Summary;

Pests and bugs love the kitchen as much as you do. Once they find their way inside, they pose health risks to you and your family. They will also cause untold damage and affect your reputation to friends and family. Use the above ways to get rid of them and use necessary measures to prevent a new infestation.



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