Are you looking for the right kind of educational degree, based on your preferred lifestyle? For example, if you have your sights set on being a college professor, it’s wise to plan for a doctorate or Ph.D. Likewise, it’s possible to pave the way for a successful business career with either an undergrad diploma or an MBA. However, for the vast majority of people, four-year college programs, with the possible add-on of a grad degree, will suffice for just about any career path. Additionally, many choose a specific career early in their lives and decide to attend a trade school or shoot for an associate degree (two years long, in most cases). Here’s a summary of the kinds of lifestyles you can expect, based on the type of education you pursue.
Those who pursue doctorates do so for a wide variety of reasons. For example, some universities require a doctorate before you can become a full professor and gain access to higher salaries and tenure (guaranteed employment). Also, many science-based careers require Ph.D.’s, including many in research, medical experimentation, nuclear engineering, and more. Gaining admission to a doctoral track at any school often means several weeks of interviewing and testing. For holders of these degrees, careers are extremely challenging, pay very well, and often entail teaching, international travel, and delivering speeches.
Master’s Degrees
Just a generation ago, few college graduates went on to earn master’s degrees. And those who did were often on a PhD track, headed for careers as college instructors. When MBA programs began to sprout up in the late 1970s, the postgraduate diploma was on its way to becoming a ticket for success in the world of business management.
Today, an MBA on a corporate resume is as important as anything else on the document. The same is true for a great number of grad diplomas in other fields. For example, a Masters of Marketing is a popular degree for marketing professionals as well as those wanting to transition into the field. Whatever your desired career, there is probably a good postgraduate program to meet your education requirements.
For too many prospective candidates, however, financing can be a major challenge. Fortunately, if you’re aiming for a graduate program in your chosen career niche, it’s simple to apply for a loan from a private lender and secure funds to cover the entire cost of the coursework. By opting for private sources of funds, you have the luxury of shopping around for terms and interest rates that suit your particular financial situation.
Four-Year Diplomas
By far the most common degree of all, the standard college diploma is almost a requirement in commercial fields these days, particularly for those who wish to teach at the high school level, advance in the business world, hold jobs in government, or offer financial services to the public. A college diploma can be a smart way to up your income potential and assure a lifestyle of success and personal growth. Even individuals who work for themselves, or start online businesses on the side understand there are things to know before launching that can only be taught inside a college classroom.
Trade School and Associate Degrees
Trade schools have been around for centuries. They are the single best way to gain entry into a number of good-paying specialty jobs like carpentry, construction, electronics, and personal medical services. Trade school grads and holders of associate degrees often find jobs that pay well and offer solid career tracks.