Cryptocurrency has been on the news a lot recently, many people are wondering if this is a bubble that is ready to burst. Others are looking at cryptocurrencies as the new way to invest. It may not be surprising if you’ve heard about Cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized currencies that are not regulated by any bank or government. These digital currencies are making waves in the world of financial technology. It is only in the last few years that the world has realized the importance of cryptocurrencies in the world of finance.
There is a lot of interest in cryptocurrencies these days and but there are still a lot of issues surrounding them. With too many terms that are almost impossible to understand, most people give up before they start. Bitcoin evolution in recent times gave rise to lots of Crypto trading platforms.
Top Books To Get Started With Cryptocurrency
If you want to get in on the action and invest in bitcoin, then there are a lot of books out there that talk about cryptocurrencies, but not all of them are worth your time. Here are the top 10 books on cryptocurrencies that we found and why they should be ready to help you learn about this wonderful new technology.
1. Blockchain Revolution
Don Tapscott and Alex, who believe that blockchain has the power to transform our entire economy, wrote this book. They argue it is time for us to trust the technology because it is not going away soon. They argue the book is for everyone who wants to understand the impact of cryptocurrencies on the world.
2. The Age of Cryptocurrency
The Wall Street Journal reporters Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey wrote this book. They have covered cryptocurrency for several years now. They explain the book is a culmination of years of work for them as they have been following cryptocurrency from the inception of trading Bitcoin. They make a compelling case about why cryptocurrencies are going to revolutionize financial technology going forward and how they can change everything for the better.
3. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies
This is a textbook on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies, written by Gabriele Domenici who has decades of experience working in the technology sector. It provides readers with an in-depth guide on the mechanics of Bitcoin and other digital currencies. It is for individuals who want to learn about technology and technology terminology. It shows people how digital currencies work, why they differ from any other type of currency in the world, and what makes them so special.
4. Mastering Bitcoin
Written by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, this book explains that the launch of Mastering Bitcoin is for him, the culmination of over two decades of work building software and experimenting with new technologies. He believes this book is one of the few technical books on cryptocurrency that captures the nuances of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency constructs, and how it works in real-world applications.
5. Bitcoin Money Book
Joel Monegro, the founding partner of CoinLab, a bitcoin-focused venture firm, explains this book is for everyone who wants to learn about the mechanics of bitcoin. It explains the underlying technology, including what goes into creating bitcoin, how to create a digital currency, and how to use it. This book also explains things like what happens when people send bitcoin around via the peer-to-peer network.
6. Beginner’s Guide To Cryptocurrency Trading
Kareem Fahim, who is an expert at trading stocks and shares, wrote this book for anyone who wants to learn about the mechanics of trading cryptocurrencies. He explains this book goes over things like how to get started trading campaigns, how to get started trading in various cryptocurrencies, and what to know about cryptocurrencies before you try trading them.
7. Digital Gold
New York Times reporter Nathaniel Popper wrote the book about the history behind Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. He explains the book, explores some people, places, and events that made Bitcoin possible. He explains that this is a compelling read for those who want to know more about bitcoin and how it came to be as it is today.
8. Mastering Ethereum
This is an excellent book for anyone who wants to learn more about Ethereum and its smart contracts technology. It explains how smart contracts work, how they are beneficial to the Ethereum ecosystem, and why people should look to use them for their business.
9. Cryptocurrency
This book explains why people should look to invest in digital currencies and how to secure them for the future. The author of the book is Brett Scott, who has been writing about cryptocurrency for several years now. He created this book so he can educate people about digital currency. The book covers concepts such as mining and blockchain technology so users can learn more about how digital currency works and what makes it so special compared to the traditional fiat currencies we use today.
10. The Business Blockchain
This book by Dr. Jochen Oehrlein explains blockchain technology, why it is becoming such a big deal in the business world, and what you can do with it. He explores this technology throughout the book and why he believes blockchain has such tremendous potential for both individuals and businesses.
If you want to get in on the action, then you need to learn how it all works. The Bitcoin Code is open-source, so it’s free to use. And while Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, there are many others, like Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, to name a few. Today, online cryptocurrency courses are a dime a dozen. While the number is now limited, there are still some really informative courses and books out there, but finding one that is good for beginners is not that easy.