Top 6 Compellent Storage Solutions For SMEs 2022

Top 6 Compellent Storage Solutions For SMEs 2022

When running a digital business or enterprise, there will come a point where you’ll need to invest in robust and reliable storage solutions to scale your operation. With so many options, especially for enterprise operations, it can be challenging to know what storage solution to invest in.

Compellent storage solutions are well known in the enterprise world for offering exceptional quality at very affordable rates for the kind of technology they offer. Dell’s Compellent brand is a strong contender if you want to expand your storage.

Remember that most Compellent storage options are only compatible with Compellent storage arrays. Exceptions include their range of Solid-state drives, so always check part compatibility before purchase.

In today’s article, we’ll give you a rundown of the top Compellent storage solutions available in 2022. Remember that most Compellent storage options are only compatible with Compellent storage arrays. However, a storage array is an excellent way to invest money in your SME’s future.

Top 6 Compellent Storage Solutions For SMEs 2022

1. Compellent 3.5” 32P4W Hard Drive

If you are only looking to expand existing storage capacity for a pre-existing Compellent storage array, then the 32P4W hard drive is a great for your online business. It is a cost-effective choice.

Compellent Storage Solutions For SMEs - Compellent 3.5” 32P4W Hard DriveThis drive features:

  • 450 GB of storage capacity
  • 15,000 RPM
  • SAS connectivity interface
  • Enterprise Plus class rating
  • 6 Gbps data transfer rate
  • Compellent firmware

Note that this specific hard disk drive is only compatible with the SCv2000 and SC4000 storage arrays from Compellent.

Price Range: £25 – £30.

2. Compellent 3.5” DRMYH Hard Drive

For those wanting more storage capacity and compatibility across a wider range of Compellent storage arrays, the DRMYH hard drive will suit the bill. This part offers:

  • 4 TB of storage capacity
  • SAS interface for connectivity
  • 6 Gbps data transfer rate
  • 7,200 RPM
  • Compellent Firmware
  • Enterprise Plus class rating

You’ll find that this drive is compatible with the SCv3000, SC4000, and SCv2000 storage arrays.

Price Range: £50 – £60.

3. Compellent 3.5” XGYWN Hard Drive

A mid-to-high-level hard disk drive option is the Dell Compellent XGYWN. Designed for use in SCv2020 and SCv3020 storage arrays, it can provide a very impressive range of specifications for providing your operation with ample storage.

Compellent 3.5” XGYWN Hard DriveThis drive features:

  • 10 TB storage capacity
  • 4Kn format drive
  • 4K sector size
  • 10,000 RPM
  • SAS interface for connectivity
  • 12 Gbps data transfer rate
  • Enterprise-class rating
  • Compellent firmware

Price Range: £235 – £285.

4. Compellent 2.5” W3NWY Solid-State Drive

There will be operations requiring solid-state drives in place of hard-drive disks. There are a few reasons for this, but quick and efficient access to stored data is the primary reason SSDs are chosen over HDDs. Their excellent write and read speed allow for an increase in productivity and less waiting time for running applications (or a machine’s operating system).

If you need high speed machines – be it a server or a workstation – then equipping an SSD can help you accomplish this. The W3NWY solid-state drive is a great choice in terms of value for money and functionality.

It boasts:

  • SAS interface
  • 800 GB storage capacity
  • 12 Gbps data transfer
  • Write intensive design
  • Compellent firmware
  • Enterprise-class rating

Price Range: £275 – £330.

5. Dell Compellent SC200 Storage Array

If you want to take a bigger step in expanding your operation’s storage capacity, upgrading an existing machine may not provide you with everything you need to upscale. Investing in a storage array is a big step, but one that can improve your ability to store data for ease of access.

Dell Compellent SC200 Storage ArrayIf you are new to storage arrays, consider an entry-level model such as the SC200.

This storage array will provide your operation with the following:

  • 12 x 4 TB 3.5” hot-swap Enterprise Plus hard drives
  • 7,200 RPM for the hard drives
  • 6 Gbps for the hard drives
  • x12 way backplane (for up to 12 x 3.5” SAS hard drives or SSDs)
  • 2U rackmount chassis type
  • 2 x 6G SAS Redundant controllers
  • Dual Redundant 600W PSUs

Price Range: £795 – £960.

6. Dell Compellent SCv2000 Storage Array

As mentioned earlier in this article, as being compatible with some hard drive disks, the SCv2000 is a solid choice for a mid-level storage array. Its proficient storage capacity and potential to cater to a range of future expansion needs for an operation make it a popular choice for SMEs.

This storage array features:

  • 2U rackmount chassis
  • Dual Redundant PSUs (600W)
  • 12 x 2 TB 3.5” hot-swap Enterprise Plus hard drives
  • 7,200 RPM for the hard drives
  • 6 Gbps data transfer rate for the hard drives
  • x12 way backplane (can handle up to 12 x 3.5” SAS hard drives or SSDs)
  • 2 x Type B 12G SAS redundant controllers

Price Range: £1,870 – £2,250.


Compellent tech has always been a go-to for quality enterprise-grade tech, and we hope our list has helped give you more insight into Compellent storage solutions.

Always double-check compatibility before you buy!